Community Support
Storehouse Food Donations & Support
Each week in St Andrew’s we collect food donations for the local Storehouse Food Ministry. Food donations can be left in the blue food collection point in the Welcome Centre. Alternatively, we have a food-drop off point in the St Andrew’s car park on the first Monday of each month, from 11am to 11:30am. The food donations are then packaged up into food parcels, and given to people and families who are in need, across the whole community.
If you’d like to find out more about how to donate food for the Storehouse Food Ministry, or if you need help and support and would appreciate an emergency food parcel, please get in touch with us.
CAP Money Course
CAP Money is a simple, yet highly effective money management course, run over three evening sessions, that teaches budgeting skills and a cash-based system that really works. This course will help anyone to get more in control of their finances, so they can save, give and prevent debt.
We partner with Christians Against Poverty (CAP) to offer this CAP Money Course each year in our community. The service offered is completely free
Pre-Loved School Uniforms & Stationery
Throughout the year we have a selection of Pre-Loved School Uniform items for Clandeboye
Primary School, some generic clothing items for children, young people and adults, and some stationery items that are useful for children and young people in schools across the community. If you would like to avail of any of these items, or if you’d like to donate any Pre-Loved clothing or Stationery items, please get in touch with us.
Christianity Explored
Annette and Ian McKee lead a Christianity Explored Course once a year in their home. This is an informal opportunity over 7 weeks to find out more about who Jesus is and what it means to trust and follow Him, with no pressure. It’s a great way to get to know others, to learn more about what Christianity is really all about, and to ask questions in a safe and relaxed environment. If you’d like to get involved or find out more, please get in touch with us.
Time & Space
Time & Space is for anyone across the church family and wider community, and takes place each Monday afternoon, 2pm-4pm in the Welcome Centre. We provide time and space for you to relax and be yourself. You can try a hobby, maybe paint a pot, do a jigsaw, build a model plane, play a
board game, or read a book. You might want to knit, crochet or try another craft activity. Maybe you just need time to talk with someone over a cup of tea or coffee.
If you’re feeling lonely, anxious or in need of company we would love to meet you. Each Monday afternoon there is a thought for the day and we offer mindfulness, an opportunity to focus on
relaxation and breathing. If you would like prayer, a room is set aside for this also.
The atmosphere is relaxed and people have time for each other. Please call in and have a chat and a cuppa! We often have buns and cake too. We look forward to welcoming you.
English Classes
English Classes take place every Wednesday afternoon, 2pm-3:30pm in the Welcome Centre. They’re for anyone who wants to learn or improve their English. People from different countries and cultures are always welcome. It’s an informal conversational approach to learning, with
refreshments also provided. Materials are available to use, and there is no charge. It’s a good opportunity also to get to know others from across the wider community.
Community Litter Pick
On the first Wednesday of every month, volunteers from across the church family and wider
community meet in the Welcome Centre at 10am, to then head out across the Clandeboye Village
area. It’s an opportunity to get together, to enjoy some fresh air and exercise, to get to know others as we walk, and to help collect some littler along the way. We encourage volunteers to wear suitable clothing depending on the weather conditions on the day, and to bring a plastic bag and some gloves to collect litter as we walk. After our Community Litter Pick, we come back to the Welcome Centre for a cuppa and a chat