What’s On
What's On
Praise & Play

Praise & Play takes place each Sunday morning during the service.
A very special time for our toddlers although babies will be made very welcome accompanied by mum or dad.
We meet Jonty our puppet, we praise God with our instruments, we enjoy a simple Bible story and we play together. There are always a few bubbles on hand!
Our aim is for little ones to learn at this young age that God loves them while preparing them to move up to K4J.
- Sunday
- During Worship Gathering
- Meeting Room 2
Kids 4 Jesus (K4J)
Kids 4 Jesus is our ministry for Pre and Primary school children. Our children stay in the worship gathering for the first 20-25 minutes, before going out to Kids 4 Jesus, where they enjoy games, Bible stories, songs and crafts. It’s a creative learning environment for our children, where they’re able to ask questions and interact with our leaders and with each other, as we explore together what it means to trust and follow Jesus. The children then join with the rest of the church family at 12:15pm as we finish our worship gathering together as one large church family.
- Sunday
- During Worship Gathering
- Main Hall


Spark is our ministry for kids from Pre-school until P7.
We meet on a Monday evening from 6pm-7pm (for Pre-school – P5) and from 6pm-7.15pm (for P6 – P7 children). We have lots of fun, including singing lively songs with lots of actions, dancing and audience participation; high-energy games for all ages; story times from the Bible, including engaging videos; creative crafts; group times where there’s always a good opportunity to chat with the SPARK leaders; and throughout it all, learning about Jesus and what it means to be His friend in our everyday lives.
There’s no cost involved. Parents, grandparents and carers are very welcome to stick around in the Welcome Centre during SPARK, and enjoy tea/coffee and refreshments, as well an opportunity to get caught up with others
- Monday (term time)
- 6-7PM (7:15PM for P6-P7)
- Worship Centre
Tots & Co
Tots & Co is for parents, grandparents, carers, family members and little ones from birth to Pre-School. We love to play, have snacks and treats, and finish with our tidy up and singing games. There’s a wide selection of toys, books, puzzles, and games for our little ones to enjoy. And it’s also a great place for you to meet new friends, develop a support network as we raise our little ones, and to relax in a safe and relaxed environment. We look forward to welcoming you!
- Tuesday (term time)
- 9:30-11AM
- Worship Centre


Early Birds happens every Tuesday morning during school term time, from 8am-9am, in the Welcome Centre. A warm welcome is given to children, parents, grandparents and carers, on their way to school, with some lovely hot chocolate, juice, biscuits for the children, tea and coffee for the adults. It’s a mini-cafe and meeting place for all, and the team really enjoys getting to know the children and grown-ups. Pop in if you’re passing.
- Tuesday (term time)
- 8-9AM
- Welcome Centre
Bible Class
Bible class meets on Sunday mornings during the second half of the service, for young people in Year 8 up to Year 12. Each week we have a mix of discussion, games and occasionally some nice snacks as well! There’s an opportunity to engage with God, through the Bible, as we encourage and support our young people to live for Jesus in their everyday lives. The focus is very much an informal space where young people can feel comfortable in listening and sharing.
- Sunday
- During Worship Gathering
- Meeting Room 1

Youth Fellowship (YF)

Youth Fellowship is for anyone in Year 8 to 14. It runs every other Sunday Night from 7pm-8.30pm. We love having fun together, building strong relationships with everyone and enjoying some food at the end of the night. We dig into God’s Word and seek to learn more about Jesus and His love for us, through up-front talks, interviews, and informal conversations. Our heart’s desire is to see our young people become passionate disciples of Jesus, who are equipped to live out their faith in Him, in their everyday lives. You can follow us on Instagram @standrewspres_yf .
- Sunday
- 7-8:30PM
- Welcome Centre
Ignite is for all young people in Year 8-14. In partnership with Young Life International, Ignite aims to provide a relaxed, informal and safe environment, where young people from across the wider community can come together. We aim to support them as they journey through life, with plenty of opportunities to deepen friendships and find out more about what it means to follow Jesus. There’s time for chat, board games or video games, followed by lively games in the Sports Hall. After this, there is some teaching from the Bible, followed by tea, coffee, juice and lots of toast.
- Thursday
- 7-8:30PM
- Welcome Centre

Home Groups

Home Groups are a great way to spend time with others; making new friends and deepening existing friendships; reading and learning from God through His Word, the Bible; exploring what it means to live as followers of Jesus each day; and helping and supporting one another week by week. Home Groups meet at different times and places throughout the month. Some meet in homes, while some meet in the Welcome Centre at St Andrew’s. Some meet weekly and others fortnightly. Some meet during the day time and others in the evenings. There’s something for everyone. If you’d like to get plugged into one, please get in touch.
Connect is for those in their 20’s and 30’s. A variety of social events are organised throughout the year, ranging from mini golf, dinners and games nights. They’re a great way to meet new people, get caught up with friends, and help everyone get more deeply connected in the life of the church family. They’re always a lot of fun and very relaxed.

Knit n Natter

Bring your knitting or crochet, and enjoy a cuppa and natter. We swap patterns, ideas, tips as well as encouraging beginners and helping each other to develop our skills. People of all ages and abilities are always welcome.
While enjoying our mornings together, our aim is to provide items such as jumpers, cardigans, hats, scarves, mitts, squares to be sewn into blankets, and full blankets, all to be given to children desperately in need in countries around the world; hats to be given to Seamen arriving at the docks in Belfast; twiddlemuffs to be given to local care homes for those living with dementia; tiny blankets, hats and cardigans for the NICU in our local hospitals across NI.
- 1st Tuesday of the month (Sept.-May)
- 10:30-12:30AM
- Welcome Centre
The Sunshine Hour
The Sunshine Hour is for everyone in the church family and wider community, particularly those who are retired or have free time during the day to meet up with others. We enjoy tea/coffee and refreshments, along with a chat, before a guest speaker shares with us on a different topic of interest each month. The fellowship together is very special, and there’s also an opportunity to pray, sing a few hymns and learn from God’s Word together, in a relaxed and informal setting.
- 3rd Thursday of the month
- 2:30-4PM
- Welcome Centre

PW (Presbyterian Women)

PW (Presbyterian Women) is for women of all ages. A variety of events are organised throughout each year, which seek to encourage women to become disciples of Jesus Christ, through highlighting the need for love and unity, obedience to God, Christian living and spiritual maturity, serving using gifts, time and money, and local and global mission. The programme of events is varied and interesting, providing an opportunity for deepening friendships and enjoying refreshments together, whilst also supporting one another in growing as followers of Jesus.
Blossom is an opportunity for ladies of all ages to connect together, grow deeper in their friendships and support one another in the cut and thrust of everyday life. We usually meet 5 times each year. We have a variety of activities which have included line-dancing, movie nights, craft nights and meals together. It’s a good opportunity to get to know others and to deepen existing friendships. We look forward to welcoming you to Blossom.

Lads, Dads & Grandads

Lads, Dads & Grandads is an opportunity for guys of all ages to get together, have a laugh, grow deeper in their friendships and support one another in the cut and thrust of everyday life. It’s an opportunity to share stories, struggles and celebrations in life, without taking ourselves too seriously. It’s for every lad, dad, grandad or father-figure. We meet 4-5 times each year, and organise a variety of activities, which have included quiz and curry nights, ten-pin bowling, going to watch a Bangor Football match, climbing in the Mourne Mountains, or having breakfast together. It’s a good opportunity to get to know others and to deepen existing friendships. We look forward to welcoming you to Lads, Dads & Grandads.
Men’s Shed
Men’s Shed meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, 10am-12noon, in the Welcome Centre. It’s for guys of all ages, who fancy having a go at some DIY, primarily around the church building complex, or who simply want to meet up for a bit of banter, and a cuppa. Everyone is really welcome, so come along and get involved.
- 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month
- 10AM-12PM
- Welcome Centre

Bowling Club

The Bowling Club is for all ages, and beginners are always very welcome! It meets on Wednesday evenings in the Main Church Hall from September to April, from 7pm. Bowling is gentle exercise, competitive but fun. If you’ve never played before, or if you’re a pro, come along and get involved. We’d love to welcome you. Supper is also served every Wednesday night, and it’s a great opportunity to get to know others.
- Wednesday
- 7-9:30PM
- Main Hall
Book Club
The Book Club meets every month to chat about a particular book that everyone has read, and to share how it has impacted them. It’s an opportunity to meet new people, especially those who love to read. Tea, coffee and refreshments are also available at each meeting, and a different book is selected each month to read together. Come along and get involved

Time & Space

Time & Space is for anyone across the church family and wider community. We provide time and space for you to relax and be yourself. You can try a hobby, maybe paint a pot, do a jigsaw, build a model plane, play a board game, or read a book. You might want to knit, crochet or try another craft activity. Maybe you just need time to talk with someone over a cup of tea or coffee.
If you’re feeling lonely, anxious or in need of company we would love to meet you. Each Monday afternoon there is a thought for the day and we offer mindfulness, an opportunity to focus on relaxation and breathing. If you would like prayer, a room is set aside for this also.
The atmosphere is relaxed and people have time for each other. Please call in and have a chat and a cuppa! We often have buns and cake too. We look forward to welcoming you.
- Monday
- 2-4PM
- Welcome Centre
English Classes
English Classes take place every Wednesday afternoon, 2pm-3:30pm in the Welcome Centre. They’re for anyone who wants to learn or improve their English. People from different countries and cultures are always welcome. It’s an informal conversational approach to learning, with refreshments also provided. Materials are available to use, and there is no charge. It’s a good opportunity also to get to know others from across the wider community
- Wednesday
- 2-3:30PM
- Welcome Centre

Walk & Talk

The Walk & Talk group meets fortnightly on Tuesday evenings during June, July and August, to go for walks, to get caught up with others, and to meet new friends. It’s for all ages and abilities, and we visit various locations to enjoy a good walk and talk together. Keep linked in with the St Andrew’s Facebook page to find out more about when and where we’re meeting to Walk & Talk.
- Fortnightly on Tuesdays (Summer Months)
Community Litter Pick
On the first Wednesday of every month, volunteers from across the church family and wider community meet in the Welcome Centre at 10am, to then head out across the Clandeboye Village area. It’s an opportunity to get together, to enjoy some fresh air and exercise, to get to know others as we walk, and to help collect some littler along the way. We encourage volunteers to wear suitable clothing depending on the weather conditions on the day, and to bring a plastic bag and some gloves to collect litter as we walk. After our Community Litter Pick, we come back to the Welcome Centre for a cuppa and a chat.
- 1st Wednesday of the month
- 10AM
- Welcome Centre

Christianity Explored

Annette and Ian McKee lead a Christianity Explored Course once a year in their home. This is an informal opportunity over 7 weeks to find out more about who Jesus is and what it means to trust and follow Him, with no pressure. It’s a great way to get to know others, to learn more about what Christianity is really all about, and to ask questions in a safe and relaxed environment
Weekly Worship Gathering
Every Sunday morning we meet together at 11am as a vibrant community of ordinary, down to earth people, who love the Lord and who seek to love one another. Our worship gatherings include a combination of singing to God, prayer, a short talk for the children and young people, and teaching from the Bible.
We love to welcome children and young people of all ages, and provide specific ministries for different age groups, during the second half of the weekly worship gatherings.
We are a relaxed and informal church family, so feel free to dress however you feel most comfortable. If you’d prefer to worship in the Welcome Centre during the worship gathering, you’re really welcome to do this. After the service most people stay behind for tea, coffee, refreshments and chat. It’s always a good opportunity to get to know others, and to deepen friendships.
- Sunday
- 11AM
- St. Andrews

Morning Prayer Time

Every Sunday morning, there’s an opportunity to meet together with others to pray. You’re welcome to come and go as you’re able during this time. The aim is to seek God’s blessing amidst all the busyness of getting ready for the weekly worship gathering, and to prepare our hearts for worship. There’s no pressure to pray out loud, but it’s always a deep encouragement to gather together to pray to God. So do consider coming along.
- Sunday
- 10:30-10:45AM
- Meeting Room 1
Praise & Play
Praise & Play takes place each Sunday morning during the service.
A very special time for our toddlers although babies will be made very welcome accompanied by mum or dad.
We meet Jonty our puppet, we praise God with our instruments, we enjoy a simple Bible story and we play together. There are always a few bubbles on hand!
Our aim is for little ones to learn at this young age that God loves them while preparing them to move up to K4J.
- Sunday
- During Worship Gathering
- Meeting Room 2

Kids 4 Jesus (K4J)

Kids 4 Jesus is our ministry for Pre and Primary school children. Our children stay in the worship gathering for the first 20-25 minutes, before going out to Kids 4 Jesus, where they enjoy games, Bible stories, songs and crafts. It’s a creative learning environment for our children, where they’re able to ask questions and interact with our leaders and with each other, as we explore together what it means to trust and follow Jesus. The children then join with the rest of the church family at 12:15pm as we finish our worship gathering together as one large church family.
- Sunday
- During Worship Gathering
- Main Hall
Bible Class
Bible class meets on Sunday mornings during the second half of the service, for young people in year 8 up to year 12. Each week we have a mix of discussion, games and occasionally some nice snacks as well! There’s an opportunity to engage with God, through the Bible, as we encourage and support our young people to live for Jesus in their everyday lives. The focus is very much an informal space where young people can feel comfortable in listening and sharing.
- Sunday
- During Worship Gathering
- Meeting Room 1

Youth Fellowship (YF)

Youth Fellowship is for anyone in Year 8 to 14. It runs every other Sunday Night from 7pm-8.30pm. We love having fun together, building strong relationships with everyone and enjoying some food at the end of the night. We dig into God’s Word and seek to learn more about Jesus and His love for us, through up-front talks, interviews, and informal conversations. Our heart’s desire is to see our young people become passionate disciples of Jesus, who are equipped to live out their faith in Him, in their everyday lives. You can follow us on Instagram @standrewspres_yf .
- Sunday
- 7-8:30PM
- Welcome Centre
Prayer & Divine Healing Gatherings
This is a very relaxed and informal time together, where we spend about 30 minutes praying for one another, for the church family, local community and wider world. We then take time to pray for those who are sick and vulnerable, both within the church family and wider community. We finish with tea and coffee, and an opportunity to spend time with one another. Prayers are both spoken and silent. There’s never any pressure to pray out loud, but it’s always good to be together to pray.
If you’re unable to make it to these gatherings, but would appreciate prayer for yourself or someone you have a deep concern for, please feel able to get in touch with us, so that we can
pray with and for you.
- 1st Sunday of the month
- 6:30PM
- Welcome Centre